3 Break the bad
3.1 Suddenly, it stops
So, once we have set the problem: how bad are destructive emotions, let’s follow the lead.
Maybe you have risen a family, or perhaps a start-up or a bright endeavour: you are in the creative arts and your are writing a book or acting in an important movie. Maybe you are in science or healing someone.
Something pushed you in the past to this quest but now you can not anymore.
It is not uncommon for people to spend their whole life waiting to start living.
– Ekhart Tolle
But now, there is no energy to execute things. Negative emotions are devorating it when you are not watching out.
No motivation. No vision. No future. No purpose.
Just repetitive days as your repetitive thoughts. And destruction and negative emotions are growing and growing and your health and wealth decreasing and flattening.
And repetitive behaviour: hiding from tasks and duties. The little ones are the worst.
3.2 Do it, execute it
Here is the fundamental problem: people think of execution
or getting the things done
1 of a task as the little side of the business or the boring part of jobs, something you should delegate while you focus on the perceived bigger issues or something more creative and relevant.
Like boring stuff of a student who never pick the book.
This idea is completely wrong. Execution, getting things done is not just tactics—it is a discipline and a system. It is the most important thing. It is not a goal. It is the now.2
It is the habit
: doing.
Living. Execute it. Action. Do it. Now. No excuses.
You just already knew. The little details of a job are as important as the big ones, like being present with your kid to play with toys.
Execution and getting things done are not only the biggest issue facing life today; it is something nobody has explained satisfactorily. And the reason is that all your energy is draining on that pain-body. And you have left nothing.
And, for sure, this pattern which creates all the things that surround you, this is, friends, jobs, habits, health, wealth. It is also creating your future and recreating your past.
It is the way the brain works. It drives you and you feed it with your life. You are hijacking yourself.
You know perfectly that place, where there is no freedom and always there are no options to choose. But nobody takes you to that place except you: repetitive thoughts and emotions sculpt your body. You body reflects you. Your skin reflects you.
Emotions signs, they help, the may be your ally or your worst enemy.
So far, bad news.
Now, the good news is coming: thoughts and body are key and will help you to solve this struggle. This pain.