19  Rules

19.1 Take action

There are several rules you may apply from science which will reinforce your quest and allow to concentrate all your energy in growing faster, stronger, smarter and richer.

These general rules are a straightforward way to gain more constructive emotions and make them your most powerful ally.

Life Is Like Riding a Bicycle
To Keep Your Balance You Must Keep Moving

– Albert Einstein

With these rules, you will obtain more power, but remember, this power comes with new changes and negative emotions. You are riding the bike of your life, keep pedalling. These general rules are:

  • Diet/Sugar, Sleep, Cold Shower
  • Conversations/People, Media, University
  • Meditation, Exercise/Sex, Sun
  • Write it down, focus, work creativity

If you can not, evaluate what you are not doing and why. That is, a lack of purpose? Why? Family? Painbody? Fear? Fear of what? Write it down, read, work, change. Choose a convenient tool for each moment.

19.2 General Rules to take action (I): Diet/Sugar, Cold Shower, Sleep

I will quote Ben Greenfield1 to close that topic as soon as possible: “43 Reasons That Sugar Destroys Your Health.” It is 100% that sugar kills you, kills your health and destroys all your energy. Adds lots of fog to your mind and the long list you may consult. It is no brain. Stop sugar forever, you are feeding negative emotions. And, as an example, sugar can suppress your immune system and upsets the mineral relationships in your body. And the same goes for fast food…

Another time fighting against comfort, cold shower: this challenge (as an example of 21 days program) will up your energy levels.

Here’s how it works: during this 21 Day Cold Shower Challenge, tap into all the health, performance, metabolism and sexuality benefits cold thermogenesis can give you. The challenge is quite simple.

Follow the work of Wim Hof with cold habits2: it will save your life and will top your energy levels.

Here you have a lot of resources to understand how sleep works. Circadian rhythms are biological processes linked to the cycles of the day. Many bodily functions vary according to these rhythms, including the following:

  • Body temperature.
  • Pulse rate and blood pressure.
  • Reaction time and performance.
  • The production of melatonin, serotonin, and cortisolIntestinal activity

Light directly affects the production of melatonin, the so-called “hormone of darkness”, which is secreted mostly by the pineal gland during the hours of darkness. Melatonin plays a crucial role in the regulation of the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin, among other things, promotes sleep and affects sleep quality.

It is very important to track regularity, same timetable and hours and understand how brain wave patterns work.

19.3 General Rules to take action (II): Conversations/People, Media, University

This chapter of general rules is very easy to understand and very difficult to follow.

You must remember that your inner peace and energy are very fragile and limited. Do not waste what you do not have in abundance and is a precious treasure.

Do not waste your time in useless conversations with people.
It will take from you a lot of energy and inner peace and,
instead, you will carry back new negative emotions.
Bad business.

Avoid from now all media and social network that adds negative emotions to you and work in yourself. A day has got 24h long, take profit to do, to learn and not to feed negative emotions.

Be careful where you invest your money and time. Remember, do not permit college interposes between you and your education. Perhaps if you are looking for real education University is not the right place.

19.4 General Rules to take action (III): Meditation, Exercise/Sex, Sun

5 days of meditation practise with the integrative body–mind training method shows significantly better attention and control, showed greater improvement in conflict scores on the Attention Network Test, lower anxiety, depression, anger, and fatigue, and higher vigour on the Profile of Mood States scale, a significant decrease in stress-related cortisol, and an increase in immunoreactivity.

It is clear, make mediation part of your daily routine.

Tabata3 training was discovered by Japanese scientist Dr Izumi Tabata. High-intensity interval training has a high impact on both the aerobic and anaerobic systems so five to ten minutes of daily routines are enough. Each exercise in a given Tabata workout lasts only four minutes, but it’s likely to be one of the longest four minutes you’ve ever endured. The structure of the program is as follows:

  • Work out hard for 20 seconds
  • Rest for 10 seconds
  • Complete 8 rounds

About sex: practice it, avoid masturbation, it drains a lot of energy.

You need 10 to 20 minutes of sun daily. Do it. No excuses.

All streams flow to the sea because it is lower than they are.
Humility gives it its power.
If you want to govern the people,
you must place yourself below them.

If you want to lead the PEOPLE,
you must learn how to follow them.

The Master is above the PEOPLE,
And no one feels oppressed.
She goes ahead of the people,
and no one feels manipulated.
The whole world is grateful to her.

Because she competes with no one,
no one can compete with HER.

–Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu, Translated by Stephen Mitchell4

19.5 General Rules to get action (IV): Write it down & work creativity, focus

Writing down your goals and dreams have such a profound impact and it is a health weekly routine you should evaluate.

The explanation has to do with the way our brains work and how to process emotions and thoughts. As you may know, the corpus (the wide, flat bundle of neural fibres) that connects the two hemispheres is the conduit through which the electrical signals between the right brain, which is imaginative, and the left brain, which is logical, make contact.

These electrical signals then move into the spinal column, then communicate with every fibre, cell and bone in our body. It allows us to align our frequency to a life we would love living.

So, if you just think about one of your goals or dreams, you’re only using the right hemisphere of your brain, which is your imaginative center. But, if you think about something that you desire, and then write it down, you also tap into the power of your logic-based left hemisphere. And you send your consciousness and every cell of your body a signal that says, “I want this, and I mean it!”

Avoid media and mobile, avoid distractions and train your focus. Without it, it can not possibly work and get the things done. Work in a quiet environment without interruptions.