11  Happy Money

11.1 Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money

Happy Money: powerful lessons from The Japanese Art of Making Peace with Your Money


There are so many emotions wrapped up in your money.1 Money may be stressful, but getting your finances in order may provide positive emotions instead of destructive ones.

You may start to construct with a different approach to money.

The practice here and useful tool is to tear apart the negative emotions which live next to money’s concept. Once done, positive emotions emerge.

If you are going to save money, save it while you imagine the many fun ways to spend it. Imagine it like this:

First class flight to Bali with lie-flat seats, with a luxurious stay at the Four Seasons Sayan. Gourmet dinner, luxury accommodations, and several spa treatments.

Want to be wealthy? Happy? Peaceful?

Say, thank you. It’s that simple.

Try being grateful for the joys in your life and watch your mood brighten. Thank those who have helped you get to wherever you are and show appreciation to those who help you in the future.  You may be surprised at how much more money and help flow your direction.  Who do you owe a thank you to?